Cypremort Point

Cypremort Point Beach
What do I need to know about the Point?
The Point is a Louisiana State Park residing about 45 minutes Southeast of Lafayette. The beach is about 300 yards long and faces West (See Google Map picture below). This limits wind directions that are rideable. The launch itself is somewhat tight with trees and other obstacles. About 50 yards out form the beach there is a series of poled and breakwater floating pylons that must be navigated. Intermediate riders will be fine here. If you are brand new and just getting in the water, look elsewhere. The beach would be fine for a trainer kite on the sand.
-Bring your own food & water, not many stores in the area.
-The park has hours: 7am-9pm, every day.
-Cypremort means "Dead Cypress" in French.
-Call (337) 867-4510 and the kind lady on the other end of the line will give you a live wind reading (weather meter on site).